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Creating Molecular Probes to Study Interactions in Biology

Welcome to the website of the Butler Research Group. We are based in the Chemistry Department at Loughborough University. Research in the Butler Group is focused on the synthesis of supramolecular tools to probe interactions at the chemistry/biology interface. We are developing fluorescent and luminescent molecular probes for the selective detection of biological substrates. We are applying these probes to monitor biological processes in real-time, such as tracking enzyme activity in vitro and in living cells, to facilitate the discovery of new potent drugs.


Our research is multidisciplinary in nature, spanning organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry techniques, molecular recognition, optical spectroscopy, bioassay development and cellular imaging. 


If you are interested in joining the Butler Group please contact Steve for an informal discussion about opportunities, or if you would like to apply for external funding to join the group. We are always looking for keen scientists to join our team!

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Latest News

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Welcome Christy!

January 2024

Welcome to Christy Siu, who is joining us as a PDRA on a collaborative project with Thermo Fisher Scientific to develop novel lanthanide-based supramolecular bioassays.


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Congratulations Steve!

December 2023

Steve is awarded the RSC Bob Hay Lectureship and presented the Group’s research at MASC2023 held at University of Birmingham. This prestigious lecture is given annually by a younger chemist (within 15 years of the completion of their PhD) working in the area of macrocyclic and/or supramolecular chemistry. 


Congratulations Professor Jolliffe!

December 2023

Congratulations to Steve’s PhD Supervisor Prof. Kate Jolliffe for picking up the Supramolecular Chemistry Award at the same event!

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December 2023

Members of the Butler group, including Kate, Alex, Jamie and Dom, cap off the year by presenting posters at the RSC MASC 2023 symposium at Birmingham. Thanks to the organisers for putting on a super event!


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